Today is January 20, 2021, Inauguration Day of our 46th President of the United States of America. Can you believe that we have our first African American woman Vice President?
As Vice President Kamala Harris was sworn into office, my eyes began to swell and tears slowly streamed down my face. Memories of the many doors closed, the repeated you’re not what we are looking for, the conversations that I overheard of leaders talking about me all played like an old movie. Snap out of it Shana! It really happened! Dreams do come true!!
As I sit here reflecting on that moment, I am screaming, “We did it. We did it. We did it!l” I am overwhelmed with joy. I am filled with hope. I am filled with admiration. My timeline is not only filled with black and brown women adorned in pearls and Converse but several of my friends both men, women and their children are cheering us on. Change is here. Change is now. And it begins with you and me..
Every day I see glimpses of hope, glimpses of change. You can be whatever you want to be! You have come too far to quit. Keep pushing Shana. There are young girls and women who need your support, your advocacy, and your love as they transform into becoming their unapologetic selves. When you encounter a wall (and you will) run through it, jump over it, tear it down brick by brick with your bare hands if you have to but get to your destination. This year is about EXECUTION. You will do it. You will do it afraid. You will do it well. You will be victorious. But you will not be alone. You are surrounded by people who you can lean on when you need encouragement and support.
“Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.” Deuteronomy 31:6.
Read it. Study it. Believe it until you become it! You are confident. You are fearless. You are purposeful. You are successful. You are Unapologetically Shana!