Let “It” Go, Let “It” Go, Let “It” Go!!!!
It’s simply hard to let somethings go. Have you ever had an unsettled feeling that you need to let “IT”
It’s simply hard to let somethings go. Have you ever had an unsettled feeling that you need to let “IT”
Tired? Stressed? A little overwhelmed some days? Everything and everyone getting on your last nerve? Maybe it’s just me. My
Are you a prisoner of your past? Are you still holding on to what happened? Why me? Like I said
We are the authors of our lives. We are constantly etching the scripts with the choices we make (choices of
I recently watched Ava Duvernay’s, “When They See Us.” As I watched, I cried and cried and cried again. So
I wouldn’t change the bad times even if I could. I know you are thinking, “Shana, no one wants bad
©2022 ShanaWilsonAnderson